Sunday, June 11, 2006

So blind... so blind...

In this cold dead world of mine.
Where i'm not who i am in the dead of night.
I cuddle in a little corner.
And sorrowful tears fall from within.
I don't care for a moment about others then.
My world is my own.
My own sanctuary.
There, i feel the pain i've deliberately numbed.
There, i secretly dry my tears for the next day.
There, i find some solace in the astral dreams.
It is there where i can cast away and forget-

I never change.
As i much as i convince myself to.
I live a silly pretense of superiority.
Only to be brought back to a shattered reality i'm trying to hide from.

I yearn so much... So much...
Only to be denied.
The very thing i've been searching for since i lost it.
Seems the gift so freely given,
Is so hard to retrieve.
Akin to searching for a needle in a haystack.
And all i found are but...
Nothing but emotional phantasms.
Yet, i was blind enough to be fooled.
By pretences.
You might as well have thrown a phantom dagger thru my heart.
It doesn't kill.
But it hurts every single bit.
Memory plays its cruel joke again.
As i relieve the very moment.
Double edged thing memory is.

I laugh...
I laugh a cynically pained and choked laughter.
As the melancholy grips my heart again.
And i mock my own foolishness.

A gift so dear that it is priceless.
So dear that only the chosen one may give.
And poor me has been given leprechaun gold for promises i thought would come to pass.
I was the one who left me hanging.
What a blind fool you are, pitiable soul.

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