Monday, November 30, 2009

The Night.

The Night it falls deeper and with it my very heart.
I may have said it were over.
I may have seen for that moment of clarity.

But I know not what plagues me now.
Fallen prey to my darker natures again?
That this cold mirthless smile belies a soul in agony.
Screaming against it all.
What is it that I really desire?

I know not.
I know nothing.
That is a scary thought.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Delusions of grandeur.

So pride has become the fall of me.
Creepy thing that it is,
You never know you are taken
Until it has sunk its proverbial claws into you.
And you desperately craft illusions to dispel the fear

That fear never really disappears.
It merely sinks deeper
Twisting you apart.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My Sister's Keeper

I loved the movie.
Hence I shall not attempt to write an essay extolling it's virtues.
Which sister is whose keeper then.
Love and it's myriad forms.
I cried buckets for sure.
I'm like that.
Above all I'm reminded of so many sweet things
Of you.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

When the sky is dark velvet

My mind is pure clarity.
Oh how i laugh...

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


I know not who to go to.
There are no words for this.
I have not felt such pain.
It is the first.
Nor will it be the last
Or the most hurtful.
But it hurts enough.
Hopefully I would pine for you.
No more.
No more.

I wonder how hard hearted can you get...
Wait. You didn't have to be...
For I no longer mean anything...
After all that...
Nothing at all...
No more.
No more.