Friday, October 09, 2009


I freeze and lock up
I often am tongue tied
I can only look on forlornly
I have so much that i want to say
I think of you and what we did
I do that all the time
I cannot forget
I do not want to
I have said many things
I perhaps haven't said what I really felt
I promise you
I do solemnly promise you this
I will never do anything to hurt you again
I will be your protector
I will do all in my power to keep that promise
I will promise you happiness
I will be yours and no other

I have been blind
I wish for but a chance to see clearly again
I have been weak and afraid
I was selfish about myself
I treated you lightly
I never truly thought about how you felt
I only cared for how I felt
I know only now that you gave me more than enough chances
I simply failed to see them
I played hard-to-get to my folly
I must have been so blind
I never really bared my heart to you till recently
I gave to you so little of what you gave me
I wish for but a chance to return your affections

Let me please.
Let me not bleed my heart dry.
Let me not cry into my pillow
Let me once more into your broken heart.
Let me do the mending.
Let me love you.

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