Tuesday, January 02, 2007

It's been awhile and its the new year.

It's been a long time since i was last here.
I've been so preoccupied with everything else.
I've forgotten to spare time for myself.
Now, back after a year, of many changes,
A pensive time.
Yet, i fear i've lost myself.
It's a year where i've been obsessed with everything.
So much so i;ve lost focus.
Like a wanderer, brief sojourns here and there.
Like the current incoherence of my broken thoughts.
About time i should be pickin up the pieces of my life this coming year.
I'm greeting it with mind numbing indifference.
As if the transition into the new year is no more than the coming of a new day or the passing of an hour, flight of minutes and the ticking of seconds.
All away into eternity.
Where was the time where i was unfettered by all these mundane problems.
Where was the time where i need not fret over everything.
So much that i want i can only wish for.
So much jealousy and poison brewing within, like a miasma.
A disease, crippling me.
If there a way where i can cast away such darkness.
When can i drop my petty little desires, my superficial cravings.
And look a little deeper, delve closer to the warmth of human contact.
Once again?

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